DUI Defense Attorneys in Tulsa Upholding Your Rights from Beginning to End

When planning a night out with family and friends, the potential for an enjoyable evening is obvious. After all, there’s nothing quite like sharing jokes, laughs, and experiences together. Unfortunately, even the best-laid plans can quickly take a turn for the worse when you’re pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI). However, it may seem like a minor occurrence at the time, but being charged with a DUI can have serious consequences in Tulsa.

When facing a DUI charge in Tulsa, knowing your rights and working with an experienced Tulsa DUI attorney who can help you protect them is important. Our team can provide invaluable insight into what potential punishments you could face and can make sure that all evidence is accurately presented when arguing your case. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that being charged with a DUI doesn’t necessarily mean that you are guilty of anything. We’re here to protect your freedom from the get-go. Contact Parsons, Graham & Day, LLC today at 918-553-5771 for strong support!

What is Considered a DUI in Oklahoma?

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited in Oklahoma. This implies that if your BAC is.08% or greater, you can be arrested and prosecuted for driving under the influence. Remember that driving under the influence involves more than just drinking and driving. Impairment from drugs or medicines might result in charges and a guilty verdict even if your BAC was below the legal limit.

What Gives an Officer Probable Cause to Pull Me Over?

If you’re driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you may be stopped by a police officer for suspicion of DUI. For an officer to pull you over and investigate further, they must have probable cause.

The most common reasons why law enforcement officers pull someone over include:

  • Violations of traffic laws – such as speeding, failing to use turn signals, or running a red light
  • Suspicious behavior – such as weaving in and out of lanes without signaling and erratic speeds
  • Equipment violations – such as broken headlights or expired tags
  • Suspicious vehicle contents – such as the smell of drugs or alcohol coming from inside the car

Law enforcement officers must have a valid reason for stopping someone. If they pull someone over simply because they suspect they may be intoxicated, that is not enough to make it a legal stop. However, officers can question drivers if any of the above factors arouse their suspicions. If an officer does suspect you are driving under the influence, they will use certain methods to determine whether there’s probable cause for further investigation. These can include field sobriety tests and breathalyzer tests.

What are the Consequences of a DUI Conviction?

If you are convicted of a DUI, the consequences can be serious and long-lasting. The legal penalties may include heavy fines, jail time, community service, license suspension or revocation, alcohol or drug counseling, and the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle. On top of the legal penalties, social penalties such as being unable to find employment or housing may also be a consequence of a DUI conviction.

The exact penalties for a DUI conviction depend on the severity of the infraction. Generally, first-time offenders face less severe punishments than those convicted multiple times. In some cases, judges offer alternative sentences such as work release or house arrest instead of jail time for first-time offenders. At Parsons, Graham & Day, LLC, we do whatever it takes to get the best results for your case.

What are the Common DUI Defenses a DUI Lawyer Can Use?

DUI-related offenses can result in significant criminal charges and harsh punishments. It’s crucial to get DUI attorneys that know how to build a strong case if you’ve been accused of DUI. There are many defenses to refute the prosecution’s case against you, including:

Lack of Probable Cause

Lack of probable cause may exist if law enforcement did not have a good basis to suspect a person was driving while intoxicated or if they did not follow the correct procedures. As a result, any evidence gathered during the stop would be inadmissible if there had been insufficient justification for stopping you in the first place.

Improper Testing/Calibration of Breathalyzer

Breathalyzers are commonly used by law enforcement to determine the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a driver suspected of DUI. If we can establish that the breathalyzer was not properly calibrated or maintained, your BAC results may be thrown out and cannot be used as evidence against you.

DUI cases and DUI charges are serious. It is important to secure experienced legal representation as soon as possible. Call our Tulsa DUI attorneys today at 918-553-5771 for relentless representation!