Child Custody Lawyers in Oklahoma

Securing Your Child’s Future

At Parsons, Graham & Day, we understand that child custody cases can be emotionally draining and complex. Our experienced child custody lawyers are here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your child’s best interests are at the forefront. For a consultation, contact us at 918-553-5771.

What Does a Child Custody Case Involve?

A child custody case involves determining the legal and physical custody of a child following a divorce or separation. This process can be complicated, especially when parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement. Our lawyers are experienced in handling various aspects of child custody cases, including:

Child Custody Agreement

A child custody agreement outlines the terms of custody and visitation. It is crucial to have a comprehensive agreement that addresses all potential issues, including the child’s education, holidays, and medical decisions.

Child Custody Order

A child custody order is a legally binding document issued by a family court. It specifies the custodial parent, visitation schedule, and other details. Violating a child custody order can result in legal consequences.

Child Custody Dispute

In a custody dispute, each parent may have different views on what is best for the child. Our lawyers can help you navigate these disagreements and advocate for your rights in court.

Types of Child Custody

There are several types of child custody, including sole custody, joint custody, and shared custody. The type of custody awarded can significantly impact your relationship with your child and your ex-spouse.

Sole Custody

In a sole custody arrangement, one parent, known as the primary custodial parent, has full custody of the child. The other parent, the non-custodial parent, may have visitation rights but does not have legal custody.

Joint Custody

In a joint custody arrangement, both parents share legal and physical custody of the child. This arrangement requires a high level of cooperation between the parents and is often used when parents can agree on major decisions about the child’s life.

Shared Custody

Shared custody is a type of joint custody where the child spends an equal amount of time with both parents. This arrangement can be beneficial for the child but requires a flexible parenting schedule.

Child Custody and Visitation

Child custody and visitation are two critical aspects of a child custody case. The court will consider various factors when determining the visitation schedule and the custodial parent. Our child custody lawyers can help you understand these factors and how they may impact your case.

Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is a detailed document that outlines the parenting schedule, including holidays and vacations. It also includes provisions for the child’s education and healthcare. Our lawyers can assist you in drafting a comprehensive parenting plan that meets your child’s needs and protects your rights.

Visitation Agreement

A visitation agreement is a part of the child custody agreement that specifies when the non-custodial parent can visit the child. It may also include provisions for supervised visitation if there are concerns about the child’s safety. Our law firm can help you negotiate a fair visitation agreement that prioritizes your child’s wellbeing.

Child Custody Proceedings and Your Rights

Child custody proceedings can be a daunting experience, especially when you’re dealing with the emotional turmoil of a divorce or separation. It’s essential to understand your rights as a parent and how the law applies to your situation. Our child custody lawyers can provide you with the necessary information and guidance to navigate this challenging process.

Understanding Your Rights as a Parent

Whether you’re the custodial parent or the non-custodial parent, you have rights that the court must respect. These rights include the right to participate in your child’s education, the right to access information about your child, and the right to spend time with your child. Our law office can help you understand and assert these rights in your child custody case.

Understanding the Law

Family law can be complex and confusing, especially when it comes to child custody. Our family law attorney can explain the law in a way that you can understand, helping you make informed decisions about your case.

Child Custody and Your Ex-Spouse

Dealing with an ex-spouse in a child custody case can be challenging, especially if there are lingering issues from the divorce. Whether your ex-spouse is your ex-husband or ex-wife, our child custody lawyers can help you navigate these challenges and work towards a fair custody arrangement.

Dealing with Conflict

Conflict with your ex-spouse can make a child custody case more difficult. Our lawyers can help you manage this conflict and advocate for your interests in court.

Working Towards an Agreement

In many cases, it’s possible to reach a child custody agreement without going to court. Our lawyers can help you negotiate with your ex-spouse and work towards an agreement that meets your child’s needs and protects your rights.

Child Custody and Your Child’s Best Interests

In any child custody case, the child’s best interests are the primary concern. Our child custody lawyers can help you demonstrate to the court that your proposed custody arrangement is in your child’s best interests.

Understanding the Best Interests Standard

The best interests standard is a legal principle that guides decisions in child custody cases. It involves considering various factors, such as the child’s age, health, emotional ties, and the parents’ ability to provide for the child’s needs. Our lawyers can help you understand this standard and how it applies to your case.

Presenting Evidence

Presenting evidence is a crucial part of a child custody case. This evidence can include reports from psychologists, school records, medical records, and testimony from witnesses. Our law firm can help you gather and present this evidence effectively.

Child Custody and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can significantly impact a child custody case. If there is evidence of abuse, the court may limit or deny custody or visitation rights to the abusive parent. Our law office can help you navigate this sensitive issue and ensure your child’s safety is prioritized.

Child Custody and Supervised Visitation

In some cases, the court may order supervised visitation. This usually occurs when there are concerns about the child’s safety or wellbeing. Our child custody lawyers can help you understand this process and ensure your child’s safety is prioritized.

Understanding Supervised Visitation

Supervised visitation involves visits between a parent and child that are supervised by a third party. This can occur in cases of abuse, domestic violence, or other serious concerns. Our lawyers can help you understand this process and your rights.

Navigating Supervised Visitation

Navigating supervised visitation can be challenging, especially if you’re the parent required to have supervision. Our lawyers can provide you with the guidance and support you need during this difficult time.

Child Custody for Grandparents and Siblings

In some cases, grandparents or siblings may seek custody of a child. This usually occurs when the parents are unable to care for the child due to substance abuse, mental health issues, or other reasons. Our family law attorney can assist grandparents and siblings in these complex custody cases.

Child Custody and Your Extended Family

In some cases, grandparents or siblings may seek custody or visitation rights. Our family law attorney can assist these family members in understanding their rights and pursuing their case.

Grandparents’ Rights

Grandparents can play a crucial role in a child’s life, and in some cases, they may seek custody or visitation rights. Our law firm can help grandparents understand their rights and navigate the legal process.

Siblings’ Rights

Siblings can also be affected by a child custody case. In some situations, they may seek visitation rights or even custody. Our lawyers can assist siblings in understanding their rights and pursuing their case.

Child Custody and Paternity

Establishing paternity can be a crucial aspect of a child custody case, particularly for unmarried fathers seeking custody rights. Our law firm can guide you through the paternity process and help you understand its implications on your custody case.

How Can a Child Custody Lawyer Help?

A child custody lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in a child custody proceeding. They can help you understand the legal process, prepare necessary paperwork, and represent you in court. At Parsons, Graham & Day, our lawyers are committed to helping you achieve a favorable outcome in your custody case.

Understanding the Legal Process

The legal process for child custody can be confusing, especially for those unfamiliar with family law. Our lawyers can explain the process, answer your questions, and ensure you are prepared for each step.

Preparing Necessary Paperwork

Filing for child custody involves a significant amount of paperwork. Our lawyers can help you complete these documents accurately and on time, preventing any delays in your case.

Representing You in Court

If your case goes to court, having a skilled lawyer by your side is crucial. Our lawyers can present your case effectively, ensuring your voice is heard.

Ready to Secure Your Child’s Future with a Child Custody Lawyer in Oklahoma?

At Parsons, Graham & Day, we understand the importance of securing a favorable child custody arrangement for your child’s wellbeing. Our experienced child custody lawyers are ready to guide you through this challenging process and fight for your rights. If you need assistance with a child custody case, don’t hesitate to contact us at 918-553-5771. We’re here to help.